Well well well. Here we are in monson, me. We are sitting outside the post office on this beautiful September day, giving our cameras and phones the last bit of juice that we can before we hit the 100 mile wilderness and katahdin. After an amazing weekend at camp, Irene decided to show up to my birthday party in gorham, nh. The park service actually closed down the mountains and sent rangers along the path to make everyone get out and into town. We get a hotel room since there was no effing way we were camping in a hurricane and threw an awesome party for my birthday. It was the big 2-5 and Irene definitely wanted to make a splash so she decided to take the power out and flood the roads so none of our friends could make it. BUT a few were there and being the resourceful thru hikers that we are, we all turned on our headlamps to strobe and laugh track made a sweet playlist on her phone and we jammed out to Katy Perry while jumping on the beds. After drying out at the amazing white mountain hostel, we got a sweet hitch in a mac truck and ended up watching the sox v. Skanks game at Sunday river brewery in bethel, me. A very sweet couple who were there with us offered to let us sleep at their ski lodge!! After hanging out with some awesome thru hikers, birtch, stiller, and slider, we finally made it up north to monson, the cutesy town ever, and the last stop of civilization before 9 days of pure wilderness. No cell service, towns, roads, or normal people. We have been trying to reach this point on the trail for 5 months and we can't believe it is finally here. This has been the best summer of our lives. We have experienced more things than we thought possible. Met the most incredibly sweet, kind, funny, amazing people in every state we have passed through and worked our bodies and minds harder than we ever thought we could. We have come to know ourselves better than we thought possible, worked through things that had been bothering us for years, learned about ourselves and each other, and learned how to live the life that is worth living - not to give into petty stress and to take full advantage of amazing opportunities that come our way. Stay tuned for some summit photos and our next post about the last few days on the best trail in the world!! It's the final countdown !!!!!